
What is Wapr 24x7

Wapr 24x7 is a comprehensive live chat program provided by Wapr that lets you connect to your visitors and prospects in real-time. As the name suggests, Wapr 24x7 is a service provided all day long, all through the year, using which you can help and assist your visitors with answers to their queries - right when they are Iphone 4s Screen Protector on your website. This exceptional service experience in turn helps to build more profitable customer relationships, strengthen customer loyalty, and also increase the ROI on customer interaction solutions. Not only do the services offered help you retain good customers, it also lets you block abusive visitors with just click of a button.You can analyse Visitors on a daily/weekly/monthly visits on your website, as also view visits based on geo-locations, along with generating Traffic analysis reports about the various sources and whether the visit was from a referring site, search engine, or direct visit. Wapr 24x7 also helps you generate a list of the search engines/referring sites used by the visitors to find your website, that can also help keep track of all the keywords used to find your website. Having such statistical data helps you give a direction to move your company to, and assess the exact needs of the hour. For example, you can know whether users are looking for a sales department or support department, and gather visitor information like Name, Email, Phone etc. to further enhance your relationship with the prospect.With Wapr 24x7 as your aide, not only do you stand a chance to win and retain customers as a company, but you also can keep a tab on the skills and achievements of your staff manning the tool, and also assess the operator productivity. The tool not only helps you customize and configure Pre-chat Survey forms to assure that a visitor is routed to the right skilled operator, it also provides a Post-Chat survey facility that helps you to know the feedback on your services, operator skills, or overall experience. Can you imagine the positive impact it will have on a prospect if your operator can transfer the chat conversation to another operator/department as required without any disturbance to the visitor/customer? Or how much time can the operators save in supporting visitors/customers by using pre-typed messages (that can be typed with just a click instead of typing the whole sentence) that can be used while chatting with a visitor?Wapr 24x7 provides all this and more to take your business to the next level of watch repair tools performance by enabling instant interaction, delivering a full-spectrum view of the customer, and providing real-time guidance and support.

