
The many ways to move a piano

There are several ways in which professional movers take a piano from one place to another. If you are planning on doing some piano moving, Austin has a number of professionals for you to select from. But from a client’s point of view, it would be a good idea for you to know how pianos are moved around. Austin piano movers are bound to use these means.If the piano is a small one and Syma s107 upgrade is relatively light, you will find that it will be placed on a piano board. It is then covered in blankets or piano pads and strapped up to the board. On a level moving field, it will be placed on a dolly or a RC Air Swimmers board with air swimmers wheels and moved from point A to point B. If there is no stairway to deal with, then a ramp is used to move the piano into a waiting truck. If there are steps to negotiate, then the wheels of the board are removed and the piano is gently slid down, making sure that it is well balanced throughout so as not to tip over. In the case of a grand piano, it is moved from its straight side. All the pedals, lyres and legs are gradually removed to facilitate the move. It is a fact that moving a piano on the staircase is trickier than doing it from the window. The reason is because stairs can be uneven, curve in places or even change directions. Negotiating the corners of staircases with a heavy piano can be extremely difficult. In the case of using a crane and rig, it’s the questions of hoisting a piano out of a window and slowly down to a waiting truck. But if you have a freight elevator in the building, then you can consider yourself extremely lucky. There are a few things that you as the owner of the piano need to keep in mind. If you are making the move long distance, then you will have to take the responsibility of finding out all the access points in the new location. Will you need to hoist in the piano or will there be a freight lift. Also if you need to hoist it, will the entry point, air angry bird like the window or door be wide enough to accommodate the piano? All of this advice will be given to you by the moving company and that is why it is imperative that you hire professionals to help you do the job.

